Monday, 25 April 2016

On Sunday 17th April - in bright sunshine (for once)  Friends of the Carrs ably assisted by Wilmslow Clean Team and and volunteers from the David Lewis Centre  undertook the first working party and litter pick of the year.

It has to be said that we were all pleasantly surprised at how little litter there was in The Carrs this time which is a testament to the good habits of  the park users!

Lots of jobs were undertaken including  unblocking drains(!)  and cutting back the willows on the river bank.

Tea and cakes were provided by Ranger Emma and a good day was had by all.  It would b e great to see more people next time though!

Our next event is Canine Capers on The Carrs  22nd May at 12 noon.

The first Balsam Bash of the year is on 26th June at 2pm.